Eva Zangerle, Martin Pichl, Benedikt Hupfauf and Günther Specht: Can Microblogs Predict Music Charts? An Analysis of the Relationship Between #Nowplaying Tweets and Music Charts. In Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016), New York City, United States, August 7-11, 2016, pages 365-371.
Eva Zangerle, Wolfgang Gassler, Martin Pichl, Stefan Steinhauser and Günther Specht: An Empirical Evaluation of Property Recommender Systems for Wikidata and Collaborative Knowledge Bases. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2016), Berlin, Germany, August 17-19, 2016, pages 18:1-18:8. ACM, 2016.
Martin Pichl, Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: Towards a Context-Aware Music Recommendation Approach: What is Hidden in the Playlist Name?. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM 2015), pages 1360-1365. IEEE, 2015.
Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht: On the Potential of Grammar Features for Automated Author Profiling. In International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, Volume 8, Number. 3&4, pages 255-265, 2015.
Lukas Forer, Enis Afgan, Hansi Weißensteiner, Davor Davidović, Günther Specht, Florian Kronenberg and Sebastian Schönherr: Cloudflow - A Framework for MapReduce Pipeline Development in Biomedical Research. In 2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), pages 172-177. 2015
Martin Pichl, Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: #nowplaying on #Spotify: Leveraging Spotify Information on Twitter for Artist Recommendations. In Current Trends in Web Engineering, 15th International Conference, ICWE 2015 Workshops (Revised Selected Papers), pages 163-174. Springer, 2015.
Eva Zangerle, Georg Schmidhammer and Günther Specht: #Wikipedia on Twitter: Analyzing Tweets About Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, pages 14:1-14:8. ACM, Apr 2015.
Nikolaus Krismer, Günther Specht and Johann Gamper: Incremental Calculation of Isochrones Regarding Duration. In Proceedings of 26th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvDB 2014), Ritten, Italy, pages 41-46, 2014.
Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht: Automatic Decomposition of Multi-Author Documents Using Grammar Analysis. In Proceedings of the 26th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), (GvDB 2014), October 2014, Ritten, Italy. CEUR-WS.org, Volume 1313, pages 17-22, 2014
Martin Pichl, Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: Combining Spotify and Twitter Data for Generating a Recent and Public Dataset for Music Recommendation. In Proceedings of the 26nd Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvDB 2014), Ritten, Italy, vol. 1313, pages 35-40. CEUR-WS.org, Oct. 2014.
Robert Binna, Dominic Pacher, Thomas Meindl and Günther Specht: The DCB-Tree: A Space-Efficient Delta Coded Cache Conscious B-Tree. In In Memory Data Management and Analysis: First and Second International Workshops (IMDM 2013), Riva del Garda, Italy, August 26, 2013; (IMDM 2014), Hongzhou, China, September 1, 2014; Revised Selected Papers, pages 126-138. Springer International Publishing, 2015
Michael Tschuggnall, Günther Specht: What Grammar Tells About Gender and Age of Authors. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM 2014), July 2014, Paris, France, pp. 30-35, 2014
Eva Zangerle, Martin Pichl, Wolfgang Gassler and Günther Specht: #nowplaying Music Dataset: Extracting Listening Behavior from Twitter. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (WISMM '14), pages 21-26. ACM, June 2014.
Wolfgang Gassler, Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: Guided Curation of Semistructured Data in Collaboratively-built Knowledge Bases. In Journal on Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 31, pages 111-119. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2014.
Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht: Enhancing Authorship Attribution By Utilizing Syntax Tree Profiles. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2014), volume 2: Short Papers, April 2014, ACL, Gothenburg, Sweden, pages 195-199, 2014.
Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: “Sorry, I was hacked"—A Classification of Compromised Twitter Accounts. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2014), pages 587-593. ACM, Mar 2014.
Dominic Pacher, Robert Binna and Günther Specht: Graph Stores based on Spatial Computers. In Proceedings of the 7th Spatial Computing Workshop (SCW 2014), Paris, France, May 6, 2014.
Andreas Thor, Stefanie Scherzinger and Günther Specht: Schwerpunktthema: Datenmanagement in the Cloud; in Datenbank-Spektrum, vol. 14, no. 2, pages 81-84. 2014
Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: Cybercrime on Twitter: Shifting the User Back into Focus. In Proceedings of the WebScience Cybercrime / Cyberwar Workshop, co-located with WebSci14. , 2014.